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Tuesday 19 April 2011

My choice... Yours??

I'm currently waiting for a new movie called UNKNOWN. Tngok dia punya trailer kt youtube. Mcm awesome habes... 
Before korg pernah tngok movie TAKEN tak..??
Dua2 movie ni sama jep, dia punya main character..

Whoaa..seriously beshh gilaa.
 Basically, for me TAKEN is about kasih syg seorg bapa yg mempunyai pendirian yg sgt2 teguh based on apa yg dia dah experienced before plus dgn kerjaya yang dia lakukan for years.. 
So for him,...dia lebih tahu dunia tu mcm mana. Of course la kan, his a father. Dia makan garam dulu. His a bit protective of his one and only daughter punya safety.
Lepas dia divorced dgn isteri dia. Wife dia kahwin lain with
this..ada la. Rich man..rumah besar = hidup senang la kan.
Businessman rasanya....
Anak perempuan dia stay dgn his wife. But then relationship dia dgn his daughter
still close. Dia rapat la dgn anak dia tu.
Dia tak pernah lupa hari2 yg penting untuk anak dia.
For example, mcm birthday ank dia..dia tapenah lupa.
Infact every birthday anak dia. 
Dia akan tangkap gambar and buat mcm photo album la..
For example:

Kim's 2nd birthday , Kim's 10th birthday and so on...

Imagined sampai anak dia dah besar la.. dia keep on buat album (lebih kurg mcm scrapbook jgak la but full with pictures)

One day, ank dia mintak permission dia nak pergi Paris.
At first, memg dia tak bagi plus dia agak geram jgak larh dgn x-wife dia sebb tak bincang dgn dia dulu.
Kim needs his permission sbb Kim under 18....
But then, Kim mcm beria2 sgt nak pergi. So, he let her go then.
On few conditions, kena call dia bila kim dah sampai kt Paris. Sebelum tidur kena call dia. And dia sendiri nak hantar Kim kt airport plus dia bg handphone yg international kt Kim. 
So easier for them to keep in touch.

But, bila sampai airport. Then only he knew that Kim actually tipu dia. Kim bukan obses sgt pun dgn muzium2 yg ada kt sna mcm yg Kim ckp waktu Kim mintak his permission.
Kim actually nak ikot her favourite rock band punya tour.
Sempat jgak larh dia bertengkar dgn x-wife dia kt airport kejap.

Conversation antara dia dgn his x-wife:

Bryan: Lennor.. Do you know about this..?? She's just not going to Paris...
Lennor: I know...
Bryan: She lied to me.
Lennor: Yes, because she cannot be honest with you..!
Bryan: Why? What are you talking about..??
Lennor: Because of your rules and condition..
Bryan: What is this..?
Lennor: Its U20 European tour dates..
Bryan: She following a rock band around europe??
Lennor: All the kids do..Stewart got the ticket and we've arranged them staying at the best hotel..!!
Bryan: Best hotels..??!!!

Lepas sampai kt sana Kim share cab dgn ada la stranger ni.
Nama dia Peter. Dia la yg mcm starting point.He starts with trafficing women. Then, they injected them with drugs and turn them into prostitued.
Gilaa kann.. tetiba jep terasa mcm takott nak travel...
Korg tngok larh movie nieyh. Memg I'll give 5stars.

Bryan then took a jet and fly to Paris. Based on picture above, dia kt apartment where's Kim been kidnapped.

Taraaa...nieyh la Kim. cantekk kann....

p/s: Once parents tak bg kita pergi somewhere..theres a reason actually. I myself pun stubborn jgakk..but then lepas tngok crita nieyh. I insaf la kejap.. :))


Aisya J said...

Suka cerita Taken ni! :D

Rosmahidayu Rosnan said...

A'aah me like too..
Bestt kan..
Serious protective abeskan bpk dia...

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